Login for KMC Officers



This is a login page for the KMC Officers.






1.      Click Login for KMC Officers link on the Grievance Redressal page of the website and a form is displayed.

2.      Enter username and password and click Login button.

3.      A clear button is provided to clear the password field.


Grievance View



1.      The Official accessing the website will be able to view the list of grievances registered in his category.

2.      The page has two lists.

1.      Pending, in progress and rejected grievances.

2.      Disposed grievances

3.      The grievances are listed in each list with a view option to the left.






1.      When the official clicks on view, the details of the grievance are displayed.




2.      he official can then add some remarks and change the status of the grievance.

3.      Depending on the status, the grievance is either sent to the ‘Disposed’ list or remains in the ‘Pending, in progress and rejected’ list.




4.      A check box is provided so that the grievance can be checked and deleted using the Delete button.